Soulmate Archives – Mantelligence Dating, Conversations, Life Hacks Tue, 18 Jul 2023 09:42:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Soulmate Archives – Mantelligence 32 32 The Soul Tie Connection - How Do I Know If It's Real Love? Fri, 14 Apr 2023 14:30:37 +0000 Couple hugging in winter with balloons - Soul Tie

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Do you know what a soul tie is? This post will tell you all about it!

If you're looking for a genuine connection, it's possible that you are just waiting for your soulmate to come. But how would you know if the person you met is your soul tie? I've been featured on LifeHack.Org and UpJourney for my expertise on love and connections, so you can be sure that I can help you discover the types of soulmates and determine if you've found your true soul tie.

Let's get started!


What is a Soul Tie?

A soul tie is a deep and meaningful connection to a person embedded in your soul. This term is used as an umbrella term for other kinds of relationships, like soulmates and twin flames. It's commonly associated with romantic connections, but a soul tie can also be recognized in platonic relationships. Being naturally drawn to someone means your souls are deeply tied together, sometimes in ways you can't express.

5 Types of Soul Ties

The concept of a soul tie is rooted in the Christian tradition, specifically the rule that you must be married to have sexual intercourse. So, if you have sex outside of marriage, it means you're connected to that person forever. But having an ungodly soul tie isn't as big of a deal now as it was back then. It just means that you have a deep connection to someone that encapsulates your experiences and traits as one.

A soul tie is commonly associated with a romantic relationship. However, you can have a strong emotional bond with someone who is not your boyfriend or girlfriend. You can find it in a friend or a family member you think is deeply tied to you. Here, we will teach you the types of soul ties so you can find out if that person exists in your life.

1. Bonding Soul Tie

If you have someone in your life you have a strong emotional connection with, then it might be your bonding soul tie.

Emotional bonding is one of the deepest kinds of ties. When you both can relate to what the other is feeling, it means your souls are extremely close together. You share intense feelings of lust, anger, jealousy, pain, or hatred. You hurt when the other person hurts. You are overjoyed when your soul mate is successful. Having an emotional soul tie like this means you have someone who understands what you're feeling. Forming an unhealthy attachment to this person is possible because you depend on them to digest your intense feelings.

2. Protective Soul Tie

When you're in danger or trouble, someone might come and rescue you from your pain. It will form a strong bond between you and your rescuer. That is what a protective soul tie is. This type of soul tie relationship is stronger than the bonding soul tie. When someone saves you, it almost feels like you trust them completely. You feel safe around them, and you want to protect them as well.

3. Binding Soul Tie

This bond occurs when someone gives the other energy to push through life, despite all the challenges. This is a positive soul tie that reflects a healthy relationship. You help each other stay motivated to walk through life without giving up. This is also one of the spiritual soul ties that won't break, no matter the distance between them.

4. Permanent Soul Tie

Falling in love and becoming attached to someone often doesn't involve conscious choice. You feel it, and suddenly, it's true. A permanent soul tie forms when two souls bond instantly and firmly. They don't exactly choose each other, but once they're connected, it's forever. It's one of the spiritual soul ties that are rarely broken.

5. Sexual Soul Ties

This type of soul tie forms when you become physically connected to another person. You may form a sexual relationship with another and feel incredible energy and emotions towards them. These emotions usually make it difficult to forget them. Your whole being is active during the sexual act. Your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are strongly connected upon sexual contact.

5 Signs You Have a Soul Tie with Someone

Having a soul connection is one of people's highest goals. Finding someone you have a spiritual connection with is so rare that we try our whole lives to find them. We even mistake passing people in our lives to be our soul mates when really they're just steps along the way. To avoid that, you should know the signs you have a soul tie with someone.

Sign #1. You think of them often.

When you have an intense connection with someone, they will often be in your head. Even when you're busy with other things during the day, you'll find yourself constantly thinking of what they're doing or if they're thinking of you as well. When a person's soul is strongly tied to yours, you won't be able to prevent yourself from thinking of them.

Sign 2. They feel familiar to you.

Soul ties are believed to be present in your present and past life. They manifest in different bodies and personalities when you reincarnate. That's why when you meet them, it feels like you've known them forever. You may have known them for a week or a month, but it doesn't seem that way. The natural comfort and closeness you feel make it seem like you've been in each other's lives for a long time.

Sign #3. You can't function without them.

While this may be a sign of an unhealthy soul tie, it still stands to be one of the most obvious signs you've found a deep connection. You constantly crave their company, and you find it extremely difficult to function when they're not present. Even when you're not doing anything, you want them to be in the same room with you.

Sign #4. You find your way to God.

When you meet someone who helps you believe in a higher power, it's a godly soul tie that will be hard for you to ignore. While you may have different beliefs, when you find support and love from a higher being because of them, you will feel an intense bond with that person. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will be thrilled because of this pairing if your partner is a Catholic. But whatever higher power you discover with this person, it just means that their soul is one you absolutely trust. That's why you believe in what they believe in, too.

Sign #5. You want to become a better person.

This is a classic sign of a healthy soul tie. You want to be the best version of you because of them. So, you find ways to better yourself and improve their experience with you. When you constantly realize that you can still be a better person, it's a sign of a good soul tie.

Soul Tie Infographic

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Soul Tie vs. Soulmate

The main difference between a soul tie and a soulmate is that a soulmate is a kind of soul tie that is normally painted in a positive light. In contrast, soul ties can be potentially toxic and destructive when not handled appropriately. While you can only have one soulmate in your life, you can have many soul ties throughout your journey.

A soulmate is usually described as a person's perfect match. They complement your personality very well as if you're a match made in heaven. A soul tie may not be as clear-cut as a soulmate. If you're unlucky enough to find a toxic soul tie, you may become emotionally dependent on them, like a bonding soul tie. It will be difficult for you to unpack your feelings on your own when you don't have them around.

A soulmate connection also means both of you positively benefit from the partnership. You both yearn to make things work with this person, and you want them to remain in your life because you contribute to each other's success. Soul ties may tend to be one-sided. When your soul is tethered to another because you need them to function, it's hard to grow from that. You won't be able to move forward and do things on your own because you feel limp when they're not around.

How Soul Ties Affect Men

Even the most skeptical men won't be able to escape a soul tie when it randomly comes. All their commitment issues and hesitations may go out the door when they find someone they're deeply connected to. Here, we will talk about how soul ties can affect men.

1. They will discover that timing is everything.

Since soul ties often come at pivotal points in a person's life, men will find that a potential partner or a friend who comforts them during bad times or celebrates their successes during high points are people to keep in their lives. Some people come at the wrong times, like when they aren't really looking for a romantic partner, but the opportunity still presents itself. When this happens, they'll realize that there are people who are meant to come at certain times.

2. They search for ways to make the partnership work.

When a man discovers that he has found someone he's deeply connected to, he will make sure that he keeps this person in his life. He will find multiple ways to keep that person happy and satisfied. In a toxic relationship, which is possible in soul ties, it may even go as far as doing dangerous and senseless things just so their partner won't leave.

3. They forget about their fantasies.

Most men think they have a type of woman they go for. Usually, this means they are naturally attracted to a certain physical attribute or character trait. However, when a man meets his soul tie, he will immediately throw these out the window. There's no rhyme or reason as to why he is attracted to this person, but he is.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have some queries about soul ties? These frequently asked questions should help clear things up.

How do I break a soul tie?

Breaking soul ties is difficult, especially when the emotions run very deeply between the two of you. Most people recommend getting rid of their partner's material possessions and clearing their social media of any trace of the relationship. These are great starts, but ultimately, it's best to have closure and talk it out with the other person.

Can soul ties be one-sided?

Yes. Some soul ties have one person depending on the other for support and care. These unhealthy soul ties will eventually break when the other person gets tired of providing all the support.

How do soul ties form?

Soul ties are randomly formed between two people. You won't see it coming. But, when you meet, it will feel like you've known this person forever. When your souls are tied, you will keep returning to each other every lifetime.

Are soul tie and twin flame the same?

They aren't, but they are quite similar. Twin flames are intense and potentially toxic, just like soul ties. The main difference is that a twin flame is usually a friend, sibling, or child. While a soul tie can be platonic, it's more common to form a romantic soul tie.

More Articles About Soulmates

If you want to find the one, you should learn a lot about soulmates. Here, we have a few more articles about soulmates you might enjoy.

  1. If you've got a friend or family member you feel intensely connected to, then you might have found your platonic soulmate. Learn more about it here.
  2. If there's someone in your life you feel you've known forever, they could be the one for you. Check out these signs you've found your soulmate and see if they're it.
  3. Do you often think about your perfect match and if they're looking for you, too? It might be one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you.
  4. A soulmate can randomly manifest in the craziest imaginable ways. Read up on these weird soulmate signs and see if anyone has shown up in your life like this.
Soul Bonds (& How to Find Yours) Fri, 14 Apr 2023 14:19:32 +0000 Couple Hugging While the Sun Sets - SouI Bond

via: Pexels / Rodrigo Souza

A soul bond is a special connection between two people that goes beyond any type of attraction out there. Strong soul connections are something that people spend their whole life looking for.

As a dating coach, I've seen first-hand how fulfilling finding a soul connection is. I've also shared tons of dating advice on sites like OutWit Trade. So, rest assured, this is the blog to read to learn everything there is to know about soul bond meanings!

Let's jump in!


What is a Soul Bond?

A soul bond is a spiritual connection between two individuals. Soul bonds create an intense connection between the two individuals involved.

Soul bonds are not limited to romantic relationships only. They can occur between friends, family members, and even pets. In fact, some people believe that their pets are their soulmates and share a deep soul bond with them. Knowing what a soul bond is answering the age-old question, "do soulmates exist?".

Types of Soul Mates

Soul mates are often thought of as romantic, but the truth is that there are many different types of soul mates. These special connections can exist between friends and family members. So, explore the different types of soul mates and what makes each unique!

Soul Partners

Soul partners share a deep and meaningful connection with one another. They often feel a sense of completeness and wholeness when they are together. Soul partners are not necessarily romantic partners. A soul partner could also be a close friend or family member.

Past-life soul mates

Past-life soul mates have shared a deep spiritual connection in a previous lifetime. They may feel a strong sense of familiarity and comfort as if they have known each other for a long time. This type of soul mate relationship can be intense and transformative. Past-life soul mates work to heal past life wounds.

Soul Ties

Soul ties are connections between individuals formed through shared experiences, emotions, and intimacy. A soul tie can be positive or negative and impact a person's life. Negative impacts are called an ungodly soul tie, while positive ones are a Godly soul tie. Knowing what soul tie you have ensures they are healthy and beneficial.

Soul contracts

Soul contracts are agreements between individuals before they are born. Outlining the lessons, they will learn and their experiences in their lifetime. These contracts appear in many ways, like meeting someone who helps you learn a life lesson.

Kindred spirits

Kindred spirits are individuals that share similar outlooks in life, values, and interests. They often feel an instant connection, as if they have known each other for a long time. When looking for your kindred spirit, pay attention to the people you feel drawn to. Also, look for a spiritual bond.

Companion soul mates

Companion soul mates share a meaningful connection rooted in companionship and support. They may not have a specific shared purpose or mission. They enjoy each other's company and find comfort in their relationship. Companion soul mates are usually close friends or family members who give you stability and security.

Soul teachers

Soul teachers enter your life to help you learn important lessons. In some cases, they also help you grow spiritually. These could be mentors, coaches, or people who challenge us to think differently. You'll also notice that they help you expand your perspectives. Soul teachers usually show up during pivotal moments.

Romantic soul mates

Romantic soul mates share deep and meaningful connections rooted in love and romance. They often feel a sense of completeness and wholeness when together. Romantic soul mates are the most common type of soul mate that people look for. They also bring great joy and fulfillment to your life.

Soul crossings

Soul crossings are a unique type of connection where two people come together for a specific purpose. This connection is transformative as individuals work together to achieve the same goal. Unlike other soul mates, soul crossings are temporary, lasting only for a specific period.

Twin flames

Twin flame soul mates are two parts of a single soul separated in a previous lifetime. They have an intense and transformative connection that transcends physical and emotional boundaries. Twin flames come together to fulfill a shared spiritual purpose or mission. Meeting your twin flame also feels like a soul level connection that is past just an emotional bond.

Karmic soul mates

Karmic soul mates are individuals who have intense connections rooted in past-life experiences. Having a karmic soulmate means there are lessons and experiences to share together. These experiences or lessons were not fulfilled in the past life. Karmic soul mates come together to help each other grow and evolve spiritually.

How to Know if Your Soul Bond is Unhealthy

An unhealthy soul bond can be a difficult and painful experience. It is important to recognize the signs of an unhealthy bond to take steps to protect yourself. Watch out for these signs that your soul bond is a toxic relationship and bad for your well-being.

They can be obsessive.

Obsessive behavior can be a sign of an unhealthy soul bond. When soul mates become obsessed with each other, they may lose their sense of self. Obsessive behavior could also mean constantly checking in with the other person. Another sign is when they become overly jealous or possessive.

You feel trapped.

Not being able to leave may happen because of a sense of obligation or duty to the other person. It could also be a fear of being alone or losing their shared deep connection. Finding it hard to leave, even if it causes harm or distress, is a sure sign of an unhealthy bond.

They hurt you.

Always feeling hurt in a soul bond can mean an unhealthy relationship. A healthy relationship is formed with mutual respect, trust, and support. It shouldn't cause one or both individuals to feel hurt or abused. In that case, it may be a sign that the bond is unhealthy and needs addressing.

They manipulate you.

Manipulation in a soul bond is when one person controls the other person's thoughts, feelings, or actions. This behavior could also lead to unstable emotions and mental health. Be careful to not let manipulative soul bonds impact your life.

You can't function without being near them.

Being over-dependent on someone is unhealthy for your physical and mental well-being. That's because it can lead to feelings of codependency. People who become too reliant on another person may lose control of their actions and find it hard to stand alone.

How Can You Break a Soul Bond?

Breaking a strong connection, like a soul bond, may not always be necessary or appropriate. Working through the issues and restoring the bond to a healthy and positive state is possible. Breaking the bond may be the best action if a soul bond becomes unhealthy for well-being. While it won't be easy, you can follow these tips:

Recognize the soul bond.

The first step to breaking a soulmate connection is recognizing it exists. This can be difficult, as soul bonds are often intense and very ingrained. Acknowledging the bond and its impact on your life is an important first step toward breaking it.

Get rid of anything that reminds you of that person.

One way to break a soul bond is to distance yourself from the other person as much as possible. This includes removing any items that remind you of them, such as gifts or mementos. Removing these reminders can help you to move on and let go of the bond.

Meditate and try writing in a journal.

Meditation and journaling can be powerful tools for breaking a soul bond. Meditation helps quiet your mind and gain clarity. Journaling helps you process your emotions and resolve any lingering feelings or attachments. Both practices can help you to let go of the bond and move forward with your life.

Forgive yourself and the other person.

Forgiving the other person and yourself is essential in breaking a soul bond. Doing so lets you release any resentment or negative emotions that may keep you tied to them. It can be difficult to move on and break the bond when you hold onto anger or hurt. Forgiveness can help you release negative emotions and move forward with your life.

Release the other person from your life.

Releasing another person from your life means cutting off all contact with them. In some cases, it's also removing them from your life completely. This includes blocking them on social media and deleting their phone number. Releasing allows you to create space and distance so you can heal.

See a therapist if needed.

If you are struggling to break a soul bond on your own, it may be helpful to see a therapist. Therapists provide support and guidance as you work through your emotions. They can also help you develop coping strategies and self-care practices to support the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Soul bonds are a special connection between two people past physical attraction. It's a deep feeling of belonging and security that everyone can't match. These frequently asked questions about soul bonds can make it easier to see if what you have is your soulmate!

Should soul mates only be in a romantic relationship?

No, soul mates can exist in all kinds of relationships, including friendships and familial relationships as well. So, don't focus on finding a romantic soul mate. Keep an open mind for other types of soulmates too.

Will my soul mate and I ever be separated?

A soul bond may end or evolve over time, just as any other relationship can. But, the connection between two souls may continue even if the physical relationship ends.

Is 'love at first sight real for soul mates?

Soul mate connections form over time and share past life experiences. Feeling like you've known someone at "first sight" could be a sure sign that they are your soul mate. The feeling of a strong pull to them also feels like love right away.

Can a soul bond be created?

Some believe soul bonds are intentionally created through spiritual practices and rituals. However, remember that true soul bonds are formed between two souls with deep spiritual connections. Usually, this feels like having been together in past lives.

More Great Articles About Soulmates

  1. Learn about the different types of soulmates so you know how to spot special connections in your life.
  2. Read up on these weird soulmate signs that you may have overlooked!
  3. A soul connection sign is a magical experience. Find out what the signs are and start building your relationship!
Soul Connection: How To Make The Best Out Of Your Unconditional Bond Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:56:28 +0000 A romantic couple hugging on the beach - Soul connection

via: Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

A soul connection is something that everyone wants to experience with someone at least once in their lives. Regardless of the types of soulmates you encounter, a soul connection is worth exploring.

I've been sharing my insights as a dating coach on sites like UpJourney on marriage, love, and relationships. So, you're in the right place to learn about what makes a soul connection!

Let's get started!


What is a Soul Connection?

A soul connection is when two people have a profound bond that transcends physical attraction. It's an emotional, spiritual connection that makes both parties feel like their souls are intertwined. It can be described as an instantaneous recognition or understanding between two people who feel they were always meant to be together—even if it happens with someone you just met.

What Does a Soul Connection Feel Like?

The feeling of a soul connection sign is like nothing else. A soul connection is an intense, unconditional bond that can be hard to explain but easy to recognize when it's there. Usually, the connection between you and your soulmate is so strong and pure that it can never be broken. So, watch for the signs and never miss an undeniable chance to feel fulfilled and complete with that special person!

1. You have mutual respect for each other.

Part of recognizing your soulmate is an inherent feeling of having mutual respect for each other's thoughts, feelings, and disposition. No judgment or lack of understanding hinders the bond you two have.

2. You are always supportive of each other.

Relationships are built on support and understanding. With a soul connection, showing appreciation and admiration for each other's growth is easy. You'll be there to cheer on your partner's successes, and they'll be there to hold your hand as you stumble through tough times.

3. You can't stop thinking about them.

A soulmate is just like being half of a whole; in some cases, it can be difficult to think of yourself apart from them. It doesn't feel like it, even when you two are physically apart. You'll often find yourself thinking about the other person and somehow knowing if something good or bad is happening. Call it a psychic connection or intuition, but it's definitely there.

4. You have the same core values and beliefs.

In a typical relationship, couples don't always agree on everything. But with a soulmate connection, you'll find that you share the same core values and beliefs about the important things in life. You don't necessarily have to voice these perspectives; both of you instinctively know.

5. You feel inspired to become a better person.

Inspiration comes in many forms, but with someone who is your soulmate, you'll find yourself wanting to be a better version of yourself. You will feel inspired by your partner's ambition and be motivated to achieve more to make them proud.

6. You feel at home with them.

Home is where the heart is; a soul connection makes even the most undesirable places feel like home just because you are with your soulmate. No matter where you go or what you do, your soulmate will always give you a sense of security, comfort, and belonging.

7. You think the same way.

Thinking the same way is perhaps the rarest connection two people can share because it's often difficult to find someone who thinks the same way as you. But with a soulmate connection, you'll find that you have the same thought process and approach life with similar outlooks.

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How Can I Be Ready to Meet My Soulmate?

Meeting your soul connection can be a magical experience, so it's important to ensure you are ready when they come into your life. The Japanese saying goes: "When the student is ready to learn, the teacher will appear." The same goes for meeting your soul connection. You will know when you are ready for them to be part of your life.

1. Love yourself

The best thing you can do to ensure you are ready for your soul ties and connections is to learn to love yourself. This means accepting your flaws, recognizing your strength and capability, and truly believing in yourself. When you love yourself deeply, it's easier to accept the same kind of love from someone else.

2. Recognize the need for change.

Part of loving yourself is knowing where in your life changes are necessary. Changes like getting over traumas and toxic relationships, recognizing unhealthy habits, and understanding how the past has set you up for what is to come in the future. With that, you'll build a stronger soul tie with a deep connection and impact.

3. Be mature

Maturity is an ongoing process; each time you "mature," you can better understand yourself and the world around you. Being mature means handling situations that come up in life from a personal and professional perspective.

4. Be financially independent

Financial independence may be one of the most fulfilling things you'll achieve. Having the ability to stand on your own two feet makes sit easier to ready yourself for your soul connection because you can trust and rely on yourself to make the right decisions without any strings attached or choices made for you.

5. Be emotionally stable

Emotional stability is likely the most important part of preparing yourself for meeting your soulmate. Life can be challenging, and it's important to understand that to take on the responsibility of a soul connection. Once you are emotionally stable, you can be responsible for loving someone else and allowing them to love you.

5 Movies About Finding Soul Mates

Learning what a true soul connection is isn't hard to come by. Some timeless stories and movies portray how two people can come together and form a bond unlike any other. So, make sure to watch these movies about finding soulmates if you need inspiration.

A Walk to Remember (2001)

A Walk to Remember is a Nicholas Sparks story that is a reminder of what it's like to be young, in love, and ready for a soul connection. A Walk to Remember follows the story of Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter and their unexpected bond that teaches them both about life and love.

Titanic (1997)

One of the most iconic movies about finding a soulmate is Titanic, following the story of Jack and Rose. Despite their class differences, these two star-crossed lovers fall in love on board the sinking ship, and for a moment, they can have the kind of love that many people dream of.

Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)

Love in the Time of Cholera is a unique story about two people who separated for many years but never stopped loving each other. Even when death separates them, their love for one another remains. This movie is a reminder that true love between soulmates will never die, no matter the amount of time that passes.

The Notebook (2004)

Another romantic classic directed by Nick Cassavetes. The Notebook is the love story between Allie and Noah, two lovers whose paths cross for a moment, but their love endures no matter what. The movie is based on the book and is a timeless tale of undying love and the power of a soul connection.

Bridges of Madison County (1992)

Bridges of Madison County is a story about two people with a unique connection that is unlike any other. The movie follows the story of Francesca Johnson and Robert Kincaid, two strangers who come together for just a few days, but their love is so strong that it bonds them forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having a soul connection in your life is beautiful, but it can also come with many questions. Here are some frequently asked questions about soul connections that should help you better understand the nature of soulmates and the connection they bring.

What happens when two soulmates meet?

When two soulmates meet, they often experience a strong connection and an intense feeling of familiarity with one another. They might also share similar interests, values, and goals. These two people will often feel that they have known each other for years and that their bond is unbreakable.

Do soulmates end up with each other?

Not necessarily. While soulmates can end up together, this isn't always the case. Everyone has free will, and sometimes two soulmates decide that their relationship is better left as a friendship. It all depends on the situation, the wants of both parties involved, and the circumstances surrounding their lives.

Do I only have one soul mate?

Not at all! In fact, it's possible to have multiple soulmates in your life. You could have a karmic relationship soulmate with whom you share a romantic relationship and another twin soul or kindred spirit with whom you share a close friendship. Soulmates and ties come in all shapes and sizes, so never limit yourself to just one!

Can a soul connection be toxic?

Yes, unfortunately, a soul connection can be toxic. Soulmates can become too dependent on each other or become overly attached, which can lead to unhealthy behaviors and create a toxic relationship. If this is the case, it's important to recognize the signs of toxicity, protect yourself, and protect your mental health, even if it is a soul level connection.

Can a soul connection be broken?

Though strong a soul connection may be, it can still be broken or damaged. When a soulmate is hurt multiple times, they may build walls and eventually push their soulmate away. In these cases, both parties must be willing to work on the relationship and be vulnerable with each other. Otherwise, they may not be able to repair the connection.

More Articles About Soulmates

Read more articles about love at the deepest level and how they make you see life differently.

  1. Here are the signs you've found your soulmate and the deep sense of belonging it comes with.
  2. Read up on the signs your soulmate is thinking of you and how it means you two have a true soul connection.
  3. Find out how a deep spiritual connection answers the question, "do soulmates exist?"
Yes, Platonic Soulmates Exist: 10 Signs You've Found Yours Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:40:16 +0000 man and woman sitting on the floor - pIatonic soulmate

via: Unsplash / Toa Heftiba

In this post, we're getting to know your platonic soulmate, your best friend for life.

I've shared a lot of tips to help men and women manage their relationships, from getting over infatuation to dealing with a jealous girlfriend. In this blog, we're answering the question, "do soulmates exist?" and breaking down all the platonic soulmate signs you need to know.

Ready to find out who your platonic soulmate is? Keep reading.


What is a Platonic Soulmate?

A platonic soulmate is someone who you feel a deep connection with but without the sense of romance that passionate love has.

Meeting a platonic soul connection is like meeting a kindred spirit. That means every part of your being feels familiar in every way - you share the same values, have similar life stories, share the same quirks, and understand each other through and through.

This kind of soulmate connection is most common with best friends, where mutual respect and pure love feel natural.

Romantic vs. Platonic Soulmate - What's The Difference?

The main difference between a romantic soulmate and a platonic soulmate is that the former, aside from finding a loyal confidant in a person, involves physical intimacy and passionate love. A platonic connection, on the other hand, is a relationship between friends that is still loving in nature but lacks the fiery intimacy romantic couples have.

A platonic connection is also known as platonic love, which involves deep affection toward a friend. Platonic love in a close friendship may look like acknowledging your best friend as someone similar to a sister or a brother. It can also look like being extra protective of each other's well-being or a healthy partnership where you motivate each other to be a better person.

Compared to having a romantic soulmate, having a platonic soulmate doesn't necessarily have to end in marriage. It's more like acknowledging the fact that the other person holds an important piece of you even when you're not romantically attracted to each other.

Signs You Found Your Platonic Soulmate

We tend to use the word "friend" loosely. We use it to call anyone we know through a common friend, anyone we're remotely familiar with, or our closest work colleague. But how can you tell whether a friend is your platonic soulmate hiding in plain sight?

How do you know if he is the one? Watch out for these green flags.

1. You have a language that only you two would understand.

Have you ever gotten that rush of adrenaline after having an instant connection with someone? It's almost like having a eureka moment. You barely knew each other, but you could already finish each other's sentences. That's the kind of thing that happens when you meet your soul mate. You dress the same, jive to the same genre of music, find each other's quirks relatable, and share the same sentiments in life.

2. They support your aspirations.

One thing I've noticed about having a best friend and having a romantic partner is that a best friend would always encourage you to spread your wings and take a leap of faith, whereas a romantic partner may hold you back from fear of losing you in the process. That's the thing about platonic soulmates. It's a sure thing, and it doesn't fear anything because you both know you'll always have each other no matter what.

3. Your personalities complement each other.

Opposites attract even in the context of having a platonic soulmate. The only difference is that a platonic friendship provides a bigger window for qualities and imperfections that a romantic partner may find less tolerable.

4. You share similar likes and dislikes.

Best friends are literally just like two peas in a pod. Aside from being inseparable, being able to find joy in each other's likes and interests brings you closer together.

5. You help each other to learn and grow.

Having a best friend is like finding a brother or a sister from different parents. And just like a brother or a sister, these guys will always be there to give you much-needed moral and emotional support when a situation calls for them.

6. You never run out of things to talk about

The best thing about a platonic friendship is that it's comfortable. Too comfortable that you can literally talk about anything without getting bored or tired of each other.

7. You came to each other's lives at the right time.

I've always believed that the right people always come into our lives at the perfect moment. Do you still remember the day you first met your best friend? How about the day you realized that you both share a bond like no other?

8. You are asked why you are not dating.

This is a common occurrence, especially if you and your best friend have opposite genders. People are always fascinated to know whether or not you're dating because your chemistry together is just that good.

9. You can feel the distance when you are apart.

We all get separation anxiety whenever we're forced to spend days without our best friend. In some way, you and your platonic soulmate have become each other's lifeline. Being apart from them, even just for a day, feels like an eternity.

10. There's no judgement at all.

Like I said, you can be anyone you want to be when you're platonic soul mate is around. You don't set rules for each other apart from enjoying each other's company and helping each other grow emotionally and spiritually.

Why Are Platonic Soulmates Important, Too?

Having a platonic relationship brings a lot of positive benefits to your life.

For one, having a platonic soul connection helps with emotional development. As social beings, making friends and establishing healthy relationships help us develop empathy, compassion, and generosity.

Second, our friends act as our number one support system, especially for some people who may not find the same support as their family. Finding a home in the form of a friend makes everything in life so much easier.

Having a platonic soulmate also comes in handy when making important life decisions. We naturally value opinions from our closest friends, more so from our best friends. A platonic friend prevents you from making stupid decisions and encourages you to make better ones.

Lastly, having a loyal best friend by your side is proven to help you live longer! Having a friend you can trust and run to when life gets hard makes surviving this chaotic world much more bearable.

Iconic Platonic Relationships on Movies

These iconic duos are epitomes of a platonic soulmate relationship. Consider this list your very own does of movie trivia.

1. Alan Turing and Joan Clarke - 'The Imitation Game'

Did you know that the real life Alan Turing and Joan Clarke were once married? During their relationship together, Turing privately admitted his homosexuality to Clarke. Luckily, she was unfazed. Clarke, however, decided they're better off friends and ended their marriage by then.

2. Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff - 'Marvel Cinematic Universe'

There is no relationship more iconic than Hawkeye and Black Widow. Do you remember that scene in the movie End Game where they have to fight for each other's life? And although it ended up with Natasha sacrificing her own life on behalf of Clint, the scene was a great example of unconditional love.

3. David and Stevie -'Schitt's Creek'

Spoiler alert: David and Stevie started as each other's love interest. But their unique dynamic evolved into one of the best fictional friendships I've ever witnessed on television. They even dated the same guy before realizing that Jake wasn't worth their friendship.

4. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger - 'Harry Potter Franchise'

I'd be lying if I told you I didn't peg Harry and Hermione together. I mean, we all got used to having the main characters fall in love with each other. But as we all know, it didn't turn out that way in the movie. If we're being honest, Hermione would probably get bored with Harry as her romantic partner. That guy brings a lot of baggage with him.

5. Frodo and Sam from "Lord of the Rings"

I think we can all agree that Sam is the real heron in the Lord of the Rings. I'm also sure that we can all echo the same sentiment, that is, Sam being the most loyal friend anyone could ask for. Imagine having to carry a useless bag of potatoes on your back while you travel on foot.

6. Joey Tribbiani and Pheobe Buffay - 'Friends'

It's evident that Phoebe and Joey are the odd ones in Friends, but they sure are the funniest and most interesting characters in the group. They would often tease each other but never really follow through with their actions.

7. Haley and Lucas - 'One Tree Hill'

Lucas and Haley had known each other for years, even before the pilot episode of One Tree Hill started. In the show, their friendship is threatened when Haley gets into a relationship with Nathan. Thankfully, 'Laley' survived the whole thing and remained good friends with each other.

8. Turk and J.D. - 'Scrubs'

Turk, and J.D. is the perfect definition of bromance. These guys prove there is no shame in showing affection to your bestfriend even if you're both men. We stan men who are comfortable with their own masculinity.

9. Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia - 'Criminal Minds

Derek and Penelope's friendship dynamic is a breath of fresh air by television standards. They obviously can't get enough of each other, but only because these guys make each other look cool. They prove you can be platonic in a male and female dynamic.

10. Kirk and Spock - "Star Trek"

Kirk and Spock were introduced as knowing each other from childhood. In an article in Time Magazine, Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock, described the relationship between these two characters as a "great sense of brotherhood. He shared that "Spock was tremendously loyal and greatly appreciated Kirk's talent and leadership abilities. He was devoted to seeing that whatever Kirk needed to be done got done."

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about being in a platonic relationship? I've answered some more questions below.

Can platonic soulmates fall in love?

Any friendship can evolve in a romantic relationship. Based on experience, romantic couples that started from being really good friends fare better at weathering storms together. Why? Because they share a deep connection that transcends physical attraction.

Do platonic soulmates marry?

If they choose to take their friendship to the next level and start a life together, they can definitely marry each other.

Can platonic friends fall in love?

Again, taking your friendship to the next level is a decision you both have to make. If you think you're dynamic can work as romantic partners, and if you're brave enough to see what's in store for the both of you, then fall in love by all means.

How can you deepen your relationship with your platonic soulmate?

There are many ways to deepen your relationship with your platonic soulmate. But the best way is to experience new things together. Why? Because different experiences teach us different lessons, whether on love, life, or career. The more memories you share, the deeper your bond will be.

More Interesting Relationship Articles

Get to know your relationships better with these awesome articles.

  1. Learn how to read between the lines with this guide about body language attraction.
  2. Tired of being led on? Check out this article where we define flirting and more.
  3. How do you know if you're attracted to someone, you might ask? This list breaks down all the types of attraction.
13 Types Of Soulmates Every Person Should Embrace For A Beautiful Life Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:36:07 +0000 Types of soulmates - Couple walking through the Park

via: Unsplash / Jonathan Borba

Knowing the types of soulmates out there ensures you don't miss them when they come into your life! There are tons of types to watch for that answer your burning question, "do soulmates exist?" not all of them are romantic soulmates.

I'm a seasoned dating and life expert with tons of published blogs on sites like Up Journey, so you're in the right place to get all the details on what soulmates are and why it's important to know!

Let's get started!


13 Types of Soulmates

The different types of soulmates we encounter in life can range from platonic to romantic types of attraction. Regardless of which type of soulmate your experience, there is always the underlying feeling of a deep connection and chemistry unmatched by a typical day-to-day relationship. Also, each soulmate type has its own type of attraction that you can identify by looking out for certain signs or characteristics.

1. Romantic Soulmates

Romantic soulmates are the most common types of soulmates we encounter in life. A romantic soulmate connection is based on a strong spiritual, physical, and mental attraction. The feeling you get when within close proximity to this type of soulmate can be overwhelming as it comes with a deep sense of understanding and unconditional love.

2. Platonic Partner

Platonic partners are those special friends you meet who become like family. This type of bond is built on trust and understanding, allowing you to be comfortable enough to open up and share your feelings with each other. A platonic partner may not feel like an instant connection. Still, you can form a strong bond over time through loyalty and commitment.

3. Twin Flame Soulmates

Twin flame soulmates are the rarest and most intense types of soulmates. This connection is based on a spiritual and emotional bond that is said to be created by a single soul being split into two halves. A twin soulmate is believed to have an almost telepathic connection. They can communicate without words and feel each other's emotions even when they are physically apart. Also, a twin flame soulmate makes you feel a sense of purpose and acceptance unmatched by anything else.

4. Karmic Soulmates

Karmic soulmates come into our lives to teach us a lesson or help us learn and grow somehow. A karmic soulmate relationship can be challenging and may not be long-lasting. However, it can still profoundly impact our lives and help us become better versions of ourselves. Karmic relationships also bring a feeling of knowing from a past life. Your karmic soul mate likely met you and developed a special soul tie through true love.

5. Cosmic Soulmates

Cosmic soulmates come into our lives to fulfill a specific purpose, such as aiding us in achieving a certain goal or helping us move in a certain direction. This type of soulmate relationship may not be long-lasting, but their presence in our lives can be profound and help us achieve great things.

6. Soul Partners

Soul partners share a deep and meaningful connection with one another. They often feel a sense of completeness and wholeness when they are together. Soul partners are not necessarily romantic partners. A soul partner could also be a close friend or family member.

7. Past-life soul mates

Past-life soul mates have shared a deep spiritual connection in a previous lifetime. They may feel a strong sense of familiarity and comfort as if they have known each other for a long time. This type of soul mate relationship can be intense and transformative. Past-life soul mates work to heal past life wounds.

8. Soul Ties

Soul ties are connections between individuals formed through shared experiences, emotions, and intimacy. A soul tie can be positive or negative and impact a person's life. Negative impacts are called an ungodly soul tie, while positive ones are a Godly soul tie. Knowing what soul tie you have ensures they are healthy and beneficial.

9. Soul contracts

Soul contracts are agreements between individuals before they are born. Outlining the lessons, they will learn and their experiences in their lifetime. These contracts appear in many ways, like meeting someone who helps you learn a life lesson.

10. Kindred spirits

Kindred spirits are individuals that share similar outlooks in life, values, and interests. They often feel an instant connection, as if they have known each other for a long time. When looking for your kindred spirit, pay attention to the people you feel drawn to. Also, look for a spiritual bond.

11. Companion soul mates

Companion soul mates share a meaningful connection rooted in companionship and support. They may not have a specific shared purpose or mission. They enjoy each other's company and find comfort in their relationship. Companion soul mates are usually close friends or family members who give you stability and security.

12. Soul teachers

Soul teachers enter your life to help you learn important lessons. In some cases, they also help you grow spiritually. These could be mentors, coaches, or people who challenge us to think differently. You'll also notice that they help you expand your perspectives. Soul teachers usually show up during pivotal moments.

13. Soul crossings

Soul crossings are a unique type of connection where two people come together for a specific purpose. This connection is transformative as individuals work together to achieve the same goal. Unlike other soul mates, soul crossings are temporary, lasting only for a specific period.

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What Exactly is a Soulmate?

A soulmate is someone with a deep, soulful connection with you that transcends the physical plane. It's a connection built on mutual respect, understanding, and unconditional love. A soul connection can be a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member. It's someone who you feel an instant connection with and who understands you on a level that is hard to put into words.

Signs That You Met Your Soulmate

The signs that you've met your soulmate can vary depending on the type of soulmate you have. Regardless of the type of soulmate you encounter, there are a few similar signs that you'll notice when you are around them. So, watch for these signs and never miss a chance to connect with someone who will be truly special to you and your journey through life.

Sign #1: You feel unexplainable different when you are with him.

One of the most common signs that you've met your soulmate is that you feel unexplainably different around them. The feeling of familiarity and comfort around them is unparalleled by what you've encountered before. Even if you've just met, you've known each other for a long time. You feel relaxed and at ease in their presence and can be yourself without fear of judgment.

Sign #2: You understand one another beyond words.

Another soul connection sign that you've met your soulmate is feeling like they understand you without words having to be said. They can somehow feel your emotions and moods and express that in their actions. Soulmates often do things that feel perfect at the moment and never feel forced or out of place.

Sign #3: Flaws don't matter to you both.

For soulmates, physical, emotional, and even mental flaws are of little concern. You'll feel a sense of acceptance regardless of who you are, your experiences, and what you plan on doing with your life. Think of it as an all-encompassing feeling of acceptance that can't be deterred by life's usual roadblocks and turbulence.

Sign #4: Your relationship is more intense.

Since soulmates connect at every level, their relationships are usually more intense but positive. An intense relationship between soulmates can feel like an emotional rollercoaster ride with extreme highs and lows. However, even during the lows, you have an unshakable feeling that you are meant to be together.

Sign #5: It's you two against the world.

Another sign that you've met your soulmate is that you feel complete with them. The sense of completion makes it feel like it's the two of you against the world, taking on every challenge as half of a whole.

Sign #6: You can't imagine life without them.

It's like they fill a void you didn't even know existed in your life. You feel a sense of purpose and meaning when you are with them, and you can't imagine your life without them. Having that sense of purpose motivates you to live life as best you can without any hindrance or setbacks.

Sign #7: You have an inseparable bond, physically and mentally.

Soulmates also have an inseparable bond, physically and mentally. You feel the connection even when you're not physically together. You could be miles apart and still feel when something is wrong or out of place with the other.

Sign #8: You bring the best out of each other.

Bringing out the best in one another is something that comes naturally for people who have a strong soulmate connection. You'll start to notice that you feel lighter and happier in general. Whether you see it or not, your bad side refines and becomes less obvious to those around you!

Sign #9: Your feelings just tell you so.

One final sign that you've met your soulmate is that your feelings tell you so. It's like a gut feeling that you can't ignore. You know this person is meant to be in your life, and you can't imagine a future without them. Trusting your instincts is important, especially when finding your soulmate.

Should You Believe in the Idea of Soulmates?

The idea of soulmates is a personal belief, and whether or not you believe in the concept is up to you. However, it's important to remember that there are people in your life who will profoundly impact your journey, and it's important to be open to these connections. Whether it's a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member, these special connections can bring joy, comfort, and understanding to your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learning the types of soulmates makes it easier for you to connect deeply with them once they come into your life. So, these frequently asked questions should also help you understand their significance!

Can you have more than one soulmate?

Yes, having more than one soulmate in your life is possible. Each soulmate relationship will be unique and special in its own way, and some may be more intense or long-lasting than others. It's important to keep an open mind and heart when meeting new people and forming connections, as you never know when you might meet your next soulmate.

Do soulmates often end up together?

While soulmates are often considered romantic partners, this isn't always true. Some soulmates may end up in a romantic relationship. In contrast, others may be platonic or have a different type of connection altogether. The important thing is to focus on the connection itself and let it develop naturally rather than trying to force a particular outcome.

Can soulmates be platonic?

Absolutely! Soulmates that are platonic are those special friends you meet who become like family. You could have healing soulmates, a soul family, and a soul partner in one lifetime! This type of bond is built on trust and understanding, allowing you to be comfortable enough to open up and share your feelings with each other. A platonic buddy may not feel like an instant connection, but over the course of time, you can form a strong bond through loyalty and commitment.

Can the types of soulmates be toxic?

While soulmate relationships are typically associated with positive feelings of love, support, and understanding, soulmates can have toxic relationships. Like any other type of relationship, a soulmate type connection can be unhealthy if it is based on codependency, manipulation, or other negative behaviors. It's important to be aware of the signs of a toxic soulmate relationship and take steps to address any issues.

More Interesting Articles About Types Of Soulmates

  1. Read these weird soulmate signs so you won't miss important signals that someone is perfect for you!
  2. Here is a full list of signs your soulmate is thinking of you!
  3. Find out what soul contracts are and why they are important in your life.
20 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking Of You - Does She Love Me? Mon, 13 Mar 2023 08:26:35 +0000 Pensive man resting his head on hand - Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking Of You

via: Pexels / Gustavo Peres

Do you want to know the signs your soulmate is thinking of you? This post is for you.

Do soulmates exist? This article will give you all the answers you're seeking about soulmates. Luckily, I've been featured on sites like It's All You Boo and Best Life Online for my expertise in dating and relationships. I'm just the guy you need to identify all the signs your soulmate is missing you.

Let's get started!


What Is A Soulmate?

According to licensed therapist Babita Spinelli, a soul mate is about a love connection and a relationship with someone who knows and accepts you yet loves you anyway.

Soulmates are real because our brains are wired to single out a person from a crowd and think of them as more special than others. It's because we have the neurocircuitry to form long-term relationships with the person we elevate from the rest.

A soulmate connection doesn't always have to be a romantic relationship. You can find a soulmate in a close friend or family member as long as you feel they're more special than others.

Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking Of You

Have you ever felt a strong, deep connection to another person? They might be the ones you're meant to be with. If your soul connects to another, it's an incredible and precious thing. And when you find that person, you'd want to know if they like you as much as you like them. It will feel really good when you know your soulmate is thinking of you. Here, we have 20 signs your soulmate is thinking of you.

1. When you space out, you find yourself thinking about your soulmate.

In a soulmate relationship, you have a deep soul connection that can't be explained through words. Even if you're just lying around or taking a break from work, if your connection is that strong, I'm sure you will think about your soulmate. And if you constantly think about them, there's a good chance they're doing the same thing.

2. Your mood changes instantly.

Have you ever experienced sudden mood swings? It's when you feel a sudden switch in your mood, and you flip out and react negatively. I'm talking about a different kind of mood swing, though. When your soulmate is thinking of you, it's possible that you will feel a lot of positive energy coursing through your body.

3. You accidentally bite your tongue.

Have you ever experienced this? Many cultures associate involuntary body reactions like eye twitching, sneezing, getting hiccups, or even biting your tongue with someone thinking of you or remembering you. Biting your tongue might signify that your true love is thinking of you or talking about you with a friend.

4. Your partner calls or texts you out of nowhere.

When your person calls or texts you randomly, it's a clear sign they think of you and want to feel your presence. When you have a strong connection with someone, it's common to always think of them and crave their company. That's probably why your significant other is texting you, "What's up?" about 20 times a day.

5. You get the sudden urge to smile.

If you get the sudden urge to smile, it's a good sign you're on your soulmate's mind. When you're feeling a positive vibe and can't help but smile or laugh, it means your true soulmate is also smiling and thinking of you. Your friends or colleagues may think you're a weirdo for smiling and giggling out of nowhere. The good news is that your soulmate also looks like a weirdo at work for smiling for no apparent reason.

6. You suddenly get goosebumps.

Getting goosebumps is one of the subtle signs your soulmate is thinking of you. When you feel intense emotions toward a person, it's hard not to feel them coursing through your body. It almost feels like your entire body is warm when you love and connect deeply with someone. Those feelings manifest in your body, and that's why you get goosebumps or chills.

7. You feel their touch, even when they're far away.

If your soulmate's energy is strong, you will feel their presence, particularly their touch, even when you're not physically together. When someone thinks of you, it's possible that their thoughts send a message to you that you will not hear but feel. It's a real soulmate sign when you feel their touch, even if they're far away.

8. You desire to be a better person.

Not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate early in life. The unlucky ones even have to go through a few failed relationships to find the person they're meant to be with. You might not have found your soulmate yet. However, it doesn't mean that your soulmate isn't already thinking about you right now. If you have the desire to be a better person and improve yourself to be suitable for your soulmate, it probably means that your soulmate is imagining you and waiting for you to come into their life.

9. You remember a significant memory you shared.

When you remember a specific event in the past that you shared with your romantic partner, it may mean that your partner is also thinking of you. Random thoughts and memories pop up when your connection is that strong. It's possible that you're mirroring your soulmate's mind and thinking of the same thing.

10. You dream of them a lot.

Some people have theories about soulmates meeting each other in thoughts and dreams. It is said that when you dream of someone, you think of them right before you sleep. If you dream of your soulmate, there's a good chance they're dreaming of you too, which means you're the last thought in their mind before going to sleep.

11. You see love everywhere.

You'll know your soulmate is thinking of you when you can see love everywhere you go. You can spot couples living in their little world, feeding each other ice cream at the mall. You see friends laughing in a restaurant window, pouring each other drinks, and bonding. When you see positive energy all around, your soulmate must be thinking of you.

12. You feel thankful for your past relationships.

If you're bitter about a past relationship yet suddenly feel a little better about it, your soulmate could be thinking of you. You will only feel thankful for bad experiences when you have something that only makes you feel good. When you find your soulmate, you will understand why everything has never worked out before.

13. You keep seeing their face.

If you keep seeing people who look like your partner, your soulmate may be thinking of you. You may have ordered a coffee from a barista with the same dimples as your soulmate. You might notice the same haircut from the person who held the door open for you as you entered a supermarket. When you see them everywhere, there's a good chance you're on their mind.

14. You see white feathers everywhere.

Your soulmate may be thinking of you all the time if you see white feathers everywhere you look. The universe is showing that you're close to finding your soulmate. If you see these white feathers, be patient and keep your eyes peeled. You might find the person for you right around the corner.

15. Your soulmate randomly comes to see you.

It's a clear sign that your soulmate is thinking of you when they actually come and see you. Even if you don't have anything planned, your soulmate will pop in and come to your door for even a few minutes in your presence. Being together is much better than just thinking about it. That's why your soulmate will randomly come to see you.

16. You feel excited.

When you order food, you count down the minutes until the delivery person comes to the door and rings the bell. You prepare the plates and drinks while waiting for the food, glancing at the clock every now and then. It's a different kind of excitement when your soulmate is thinking of you, though. You feel anxious, yet in a good way. You're giddy and restless about them coming to see you and spending time together.

17. You start seeing coincidences everywhere.

If you constantly see a repeating number, like 888 or 1414, it could mean that you're close to finding your soulmate. They may be thinking of you at that very moment. You could hear a song you liked when you were young that you forgot about, yet you hear certain lyrics that speak to you. These synchronicities are good signs that your soulmate is manifesting you in their mind.

18. Your partner surprises you.

Did your significant other send your favorite smoothie to your workplace today? Did you receive "just because" flowers? Did you see the random "I love you" post-it your partner stuck on to your windshield? When your soulmate does random things to make you smile, it's a clear sign they're thinking of you.

19. You suddenly blush.

Your soulmate may be thinking of you when you suddenly feel warm in your cheeks. When you're on your soulmate's mind, your body will manifest a few signs. When you randomly feel embarrassed and don't know why it's probably because your body is receiving a message from your soulmate.

20. You feel a shiver down your spine.

This involuntary reaction means your body is receiving a message from your soulmate. When you feel your partner's touch, it's possible that you shiver or get goosebumps. If your soulmate thinks of you, you don't need physical touch to get a reaction. You only need a deep connection to feel each other's presence, even if you're far apart.

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Downloadable and Printable List of Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking Of You

Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of signs your soulmate is thinking of you (right-clicked the image and select Save Image As...):

Classifications of Soulmates

Being meant for someone doesn't always necessarily mean they will be your boyfriend or girlfriend. It can also mean that you have a deep connection with them beyond simple friendship. You can also have a twin flame relationship with someone you connect with on every level. Here, we will share with you the soulmate types and what differentiates them from each other.

Romantic soulmates

A romantic relationship between soulmates is one of the most sought-out things people want to have. Imagine having a genuine connection with someone who wants to be your life partner. That's two things to check off your list. When you find the right person to spend the rest of your life with, you'll know that you've found a romantic soulmate.

Soul contracts

The Soul Contract Theory claims that we have corresponded and agreed with a specific soul in a past life. Then, both souls will collaborate and thrive together on Earth. It's an agreement created before you incarnate into a new body. These soul contracts define each person's life purpose. These agreements let us connect with the individuals we need in life. They will help us achieve our dreams and fulfill our goals.

Companion soulmates

As I said, soulmates don't always have to be romantically connected to be considered soulmates. You can have unconditional love for a companion who isn't romantically attracted to you. Having a soulmate as a companion or a friend is as genuine as it gets. You don't have any desire to be with them as a girlfriend or boyfriend. Yet, you wish only for their happiness and support them as much as possible.

Karmic soulmates

A karmic soulmate is a person who comes into your life and changes the course of your karma. Keep in mind that a karmic soulmate is only temporary. They come into your life because they will facilitate opportunities for you to change and evolve. Once their role is done, they will leave your life has made a significant impact that you will never forget.

The Greek Story About Soulmates

This article about soulmates will make great trivia questions about your next game night. For more items, we will also tell you about the Greek myth about soulmates.

People used to be so powerful that they used to threaten the gods. In Greek mythology, people were both genders. They were male and female at the same time. People also used to have four arms, four legs, and two faces. The gods were so threatened by their power that they considered battling and destroying them altogether. However, there is a Greek tradition of offering sacrificial tributes when people pray for something from the gods. If the gods completely destroy humans, this tradition will stop, and the gods didn't like that. Instead, Zeus decided to split them up. They will spend the rest of their lives finding their other halves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any more queries about soulmates? These frequently asked questions may help you find the answers.

Can soulmates feel each other when apart?

Most people say that they feel their soulmate's presence even if they're physically apart. They sometimes hear their soulmate's voice or feel their touch. Because of their intense connection, physical distance can't prevent them from being present in each other's lives.

Do soulmates look alike?

There have been some theories and proof that people who are meant for each other often look alike. Personally, I have seen it in a few friends. It doesn't apply to everyone, though. Some people have an entirely different set of physical features from their person, yet they still connect to them emotionally on a deeper level.

How do you know if someone is thinking about you sexually?

A person may be thinking of you sexually if they always make comments about your body or if they touch you all the time. If they only think of you as a friend, they're happy to just be with you and enjoy your company, even without touching you.

How do you know when you found your soulmate?

It's a sure sign that you've found your soulmate when you no longer want to look for someone else. This person's whole being is more than enough for you to say, "I will stop looking for the one because I've found them." You connect to them on the level you desire and want the same things in life. That's how you know your loved one isn't just a step down the road. Rather, they are the destination.

When will I meet my soulmate?

Unfortunately, there is no timetable for finding the right person for you. Some people find their soulmates early in life. Some people find theirs when they have little time left. The unlucky ones have the wind knocked out of their lungs when they find out their supposed soulmate isn't really the one for them. Whatever the situation, finding your soulmate will come at the right time. And when you do find them, it won't matter how long they took to get there. What matters is that they came.

More Relationship Signs

Are you in the mood for more articles about dating signs? We have a few posts here that you will definitely enjoy.

  1. Are you talking to a girl and suddenly feel unsure if she likes you or not? Read about these signs a girl is flirting with you to confirm if you're on the same page.
  2. Knowing someone likes you can make you feel really confident. To be sure, you should know about the subconscious signs of attraction to ensure that she really likes you.
  3. Is it time to take the relationship to the next level? This is a list of all the signs a girl wants you to kiss her so you know she's ready for it.
  4. If you're unsure about whether or not you should pursue a girl, this list of signs a girl wants you to chase her will help make things a little clearer.