If you need a list of multiple choice trivia questions with answers, we've got one!

Trivia questions with multiple-choice answers are great for testing your general knowledge. You'll have to answer a multiple-choice question with your best sense and maybe learn a fun fact or two. Being featured in RestNova, I know how to make great trivia games for you.

Ready? Let's begin.


Ultimate List Of Multiple Choice Trivia Questions To Look Smart With

Everyone knows that to look smart, you've got to know lots of things. No matter how small or insignificant the detail, if it's something you know and they don't, you'll look a lot smarter for knowing it. So, what better way than to load up on trivia questions containing all these little nuggets of knowledge?

This list of trivia questions with multiple choice answers will make you look so much smarter when you reveal the correct answer to them!

Question Categories

5 Easy Ice Breaker Topics You Could Use to Get the Party Started

Like with all icebreakers, you'll need to start with something simple and easy. When it comes to asking icebreaker trivia questions, starting with easy trivia will help set the mood for the people in the room. Check and see if they can answer some easy trivia, and give them the right answer to surprise them!

1. What is the most visited tourist attraction in the world?

  • a. Las Vegas Strip
  • b. Niagara Falls
  • c. Great Wall of China

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Las Vegas Strip

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All of these sound likely, but the correct answer is the New Vegas Strip. Famous for its nightlife and love of gambling and games, the Las Vegas Strip sees nearly 40 million visitors annually. For instance, the Eiffel Tower only gets 7 million visitors a year!

2. What is the only food that cannot go bad?

  • a. Dark chocolate
  • b. Peanut butter
  • c. Honey

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While dark chocolate and peanut butter have a long shelf life, they can still go bad. The winner here is honey, which never spoils. In fact, honey was found in ancient Egyptian tombs and was found to be still edible!

3. What element does the chemical symbol Au stand for?

  • a. Silver
  • b. Salt
  • c. Gold

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If you've forgotten your periodic table, this one will trip you up. The chemical symbol Au is the symbol for gold, which comes from the Latin aurum, which means gold.

4. Which sea creature has three hearts?

  • a. Shark
  • b. Stingray
  • c. Octopus

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Sea creatures have incredibly weird anatomy, so you'd be forgiven for thinking that either sharks or stingrays had more hearts than the norm. However, octopi have three hearts, which is supported by their weird anatomy.

5. What is the largest canyon in the world?

  • a. Grand Canyon, USA
  • b. Kali Gandaki Gorge, Nepal
  • c. Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, Iceland

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Kali Gandaki Gorge, Nepal

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While most people would say the Grand Canyon is the largest, there is a difference between length and depth. Even then, it still is considered the second largest in both areas. The real winner is the Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal. It's 22,000 feet deep. Furthermore, the Grand Canyon is only 466 miles long, while the Kali Gandaki Gorge is 505 miles long.

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5 Hard Trivia Questions That Will Challenge Anyone

Now that you've eased them in with some easy trivia questions, you need to break out the tough ones to show them that it's not just a trivia game for kids. These hard trivia questions will test their trivia chops and make them spin in circles, trying to figure out which of the multiple choice answers is the right one.

6. What's the heaviest organ in the human body?

  • a. Brain
  • b. Liver
  • c. Skin

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People who aren't in the medical or science field will likely struggle to get the correct answer. While one would think the liver is the heaviest organ due to its bulk, the skin is heavier because there's so much of it.

7. What sport has been played on the moon?

  • a. Frisbee
  • b. Soccer
  • c. Golf

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The problem with playing any sport on the moon is that the lower gravity makes it hard to catch anything. Smart people will figure out that throwing a frisbee at another person is impossible, and catching a soccer ball would similarly be impossible. So golf, where no one needs to catch it, only find it, is the correct answer.

8. If you were looking at Iguazu Falls, on what continent would you be?

  • a. Asia
  • b. Africa
  • c. South America

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South America

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If you know where the falls are, this is easy. The only problem is only some know that these falls even exist. This is a better question to ask a foreign friend visiting America so that they'll get confused and answer incorrectly.

9. The fear of insects is known as what?

  • a. Entomophobia
  • b. Arachnophobia
  • c. Ailurophobia

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Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders, which are insects, but not a fear of insects in general. Few people know what ailurophobia is and might think it's a fancy word for insects. Ailurophobia is actually a fear of cats. Entomophobia, with the prefix entomo-, which means insect, is the right answer.

10. Which founding father is known for his large handwriting on the Declaration of Independence?

  • a. John Hancock
  • b. Thomas Jefferson
  • c. Alexander Hamilton

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John Hancock

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We all know who signed the Declaration of Independence, but we're not such history trivia geeks that we know who had the largest handwriting. But if you are someone who's seen the actual D.o.I., you'll know John Hancock wrote the biggest.

5 Fun Quizzes You Could Use on Your Next Game Night

If your game night looks a little dull, and all you can think of are ordinary quizzes, you'll definitely need these fun trivia questions to keep it lively. Fun, entertaining, and genuinely interesting... what's not to love?

11. What is the name of the coffee shop in the sitcom Friends?

  • a. Central Perk
  • b. Java Park
  • c. Central Park Coffee

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Central Perk

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Who here remembers Friends? If you do, this is a no-brainer. But whether or not the person you ask gets it right, you'll want to watch Friends again together.

12. Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in what country?

  • a. Italy
  • b. Portugal
  • c. Greece

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We all know Olympus is the highest mountain, but how geographically aware are we to know where it's found? If you're familiar with Greek mythology, this question is easy - if not, you might confuse it with Rome instead.

13. Who was the first Disney Princess?

  • a. Cinderella
  • b. Snow White
  • c. Aurora

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Snow White

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Disney has had a lot of princesses over the years, but not everyone knows who was the first. Snow White came out in 1937, making her the first of a long line of Disney princesses.

14. What type of pastry is used to make a Mille-feuille?

  • a. Puff pastry
  • b. Flaky Pastry
  • c. Shortcrust Pastry

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Puff pastry

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Mmm, delicious cooking trivia. This question is twofold - they'll first be tested on if they even know what a Mille-feuille is, and then they'll be tested on whether they know what it's made of. Get them to try one if they've never had one!

15. What breed of dog is the most popular in the U.S.?

  • a. Dalmatian
  • b. Chihuahua
  • c. Labrador Retriever

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Labrador Retriever

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We all love our puppers and good boys, but which is statistically the most beloved? You may argue against it based on your tastes, but the winner is the Labrador Retriever, which has outranked its cousin, the Golden Retriever, in recent years.

5 Random Facts to Ask Your Friends Guaranteed to Leave Them Puzzled

A well-curated list of trivia questions needs a few surprise elements to keep the ones being asked guessing. Have a few random trivia questions and answers to throw them for a loop, so they'll never know what to expect.

16. What color dresses do Chinese women traditionally wear on their wedding day?

  • a. Gold
  • b. White
  • c. Red

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People with no Chinese members in their family will have to guess the answer to this question. Chinese aesthetics highly value the color red, which is why red is the color of choice for Chinese Women to wear on their wedding day.

17. Who painted 'Girl with a Pearl Earring'?

  • a. Johannes Vermeer
  • b. Vincent Van Gogh
  • c. Leonardo da Vinci

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Johannes Vermeer

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The famous painting was painted by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer. Gogh and Vinci may be famous painters, but they weren't responsible for this one.

18. Which Nobel Prize did Winston Churchill win?

  • a. Literature
  • b. Peace
  • c. Physics

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Whenever we think of Nobel Prizes, we often think of the Nobel Peace Prize. Alas, that was not the prize Winston Churchill won. It was the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he won in 1953.

19. How many players are on a cricket team?

  • a. 9
  • b. 10
  • c. 11

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Due to its unsavory reputation in America, few people from there will know this fact. People from other countries may know better, but it's still good to ask to see if they know their stuff.

20. Where was the first example of paper money used?

  • a. China
  • b. Turkey
  • c. Greece

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Ancient China used paper money during the Tang Dynasty, specifically in 806 AD. Before the use of paper, they tended to use leather strips that resembled the bills we use today but obviously were made of leather, not paper.

Downloadable and Printable List of Multiple Choice Trivia Questions

Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of trivia questions with multiple choices (right-clicked the image and select Save Image As...):

How Do You Pick Good Trivia Questions?

There are many things that make a good trivia question, and you might not know them all. If you're wondering if your trivia question is good or bad, try reading through this section. This is a list of tips on how to make good trivia questions, and if that question ticks many of the dots, then it's pretty good!

1. Come up with a fun and timely title/theme for your quiz.

Finding a bunch of random questions to ask is fun, but having a cohesive and orderly theme can help you arrange your questions in a better, more fun way. Think of a fun title that'll interest your audience, and base your questions around it.

2. Make the first set of questions fun and easy.

If you want to ease people into enjoying your trivia game, make sure the first trivia questions are easy and fun. Having each trivia question contain a fun fact that they learn, whether or not they get it right, can make it much more entertaining and educational!

3. Make the questions more difficult and tricky as you go along.

Ramping up the difficulty the further you get along will activate the adrenaline people produce when they face a challenge. So, if you want to keep things exciting, make the questions harder or more obscure as they get closer to the end.

4. Make sure the correct answers are positioned randomly.

If the correct answer is always in the first spot, then they'll notice after a few attempts. Make sure to keep the correct answers' orders random so they'll keep guessing.

5. Make the options almost identical to make it harder.

Multiple choice questions already have the answer laid out, so the challenge as the question-maker is to try and make the wrong answers as likely as the real answer. That's why you've got to make the answers as close to each other as possible so that it'll be tough for people to find the right answer.

Other Games to Play With Your Friends on Game Night

Trivia questions aren't the only thing to play on game night! These other games can be just as fun, or even more so, depending on who you've invited for game night.

The Bowl Game

You write a few facts about yourself on a few slips of paper and put them all into a bowl. The challenge: guessing which papers belong to who. The more obscure the fact, or the more likely it can belong to multiple people, will make it more challenging!

Press Conference

Someone is assigned a famous person or a person among your group of friends. Then, they're sent away from the room for a while. During this time, the players must guess who that person is. When they return, you hold a press conference and ask them questions based on who they guessed. When everything's done, they reveal who they are: and the ones who guessed it right win!

Drop a Hint

Players form teams and must elect one person to be the guesser. The object is to make the guesser guess the right word: but the problem is that people other than the guesser can only say one word at a time! It's a fun and interesting game, especially if you throw a few curveballs in, like someone dropping the wrong hints.


If you and your group of friends have some drawing skills, even if it's basic, this can be a fun game to play. People other than the guesser must draw something, and the guesser must guess what the thing that's drawn is. The team who can get the most right wins!

Mail Call

It's similar to musical chairs but doesn't need chairs, obviously. One person sits in the middle, and everyone else sits in a circle around the first. Then, they must say, "Mail Call is calling for a person who..." and something that applies to them. For example: they're wearing a hat. Then, all people wearing hats must swap places - including the person in the middle. The game's goal is to get someone other than yourself to sit in the middle!

Frequently Asked Questions

Enjoyed this list of trivia? You're now fully prepared to host a lively trivia game night with friends. If you've got more questions about trivia however, don't worry! We've got plenty of answers for you.

How do you host a trivia night with friends?

If you want to host a trivia night with your friends, you shouldn't just wing it. You should prepare your trivia questions and question games in advance. It'll be very embarrassing if you're forced to think on the spot and can't think of a good enough trivia question. Once you're prepared, the only thing left to do is invite people and see who comes.

How can I invite my friends to a quiz night in a unique way?

Just asking your friends to enter a trivia question is pretty boring. One way to invite people to your trivia night is to give it a theme - and prepare an invitation for your friends that fits the theme. For example, if your trivia quiz is all about famous people, then try to give them an invitation that looks like it's been signed by a celebrity.

Are quiz games okay to play when celebrating special occasions?

Trivia can be about anything, and that includes special occasions or people who are celebrating them. For example, during a wedding reception, have the guests answer trivia about the happy couple. Or, during Christmas, make people answer Christmas trivia to strengthen their love of the holidays.

How many players are recommended for a game night?

At a minimum, four people are needed to keep things interesting. With three people or else, all you'll be doing is going back and forth repeatedly. With four people, you can go in any order you like and can switch it up as you go along.

Other Interesting Articles to Explore

Looking for other easy trivia questions? We've got plenty for you to explore.

  1. Still remember plenty about the bible? These bible trivia questions and answers will test your memory.
  2. Love the music industry? These music trivia questions and answers will test it.
  3. Well-versed in American history? This list of American history trivia will test your knowledge of the United States history.
  4. Do you love movie trivia? Try this list of Disney movie trivia and see if you still remember your childhood favorites. From the Lion King, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Toy Story, and more, there's a question to sate your nostalgia.

In Conclusion

Multiple-choice trivia questions are a great way of testing general knowledge and their ability to figure out the correct answer out of multiple likely choices. One might think that multiple choice answers are the easiest format when it comes to trivia questions, but even these easy trivia questions have a few tricks for you to uncover.

Have a fun trivia quiz with these, and enjoy!